강아지와 사람의 유대관계 (21)
1. Some considered their relationship with their pet mainly through the lens of caregiving, of the responsibility and joy of taking care of their pets.
강아지를 주로 돌보고, 보호하고, 보살피는 역할에 중점을 두는 사람이 있다.
cáre·gìver n.
(어린이 환자를) 돌보는 사람, 양호사, 간호사.
㉺cáre·gìving n.
2. Others emphasized care-receiving, as in the case of assistance animals allowing their handlers to become more independent; or pets being there for their owners when the owners were feeling lonely or recovering from an illness.
반려견의 도움을 받는 사람들도 있다.
3. The grief pet owners felt included both psychological and physical symptoms (e.g., feelings of emptiness and sadness, loss of appetite).
강아지를 잃은 사람은 심리적인 증세와 신체적인 증세를 동시에 겪게 된다.
*psy·cho·log·i·cal, -log·ic [sàikǝlάdʒikəl/-lɔ́dʒ-], [-dʒik] ɑ.
심리학(상)의, 심리학적인; 정신적인
*ap·pe·tite [ǽpitàit] n.
① 식욕
② ⦗일반적⦘ 욕구, (육체적·물적인) 욕망; (정신적인) 희구, 갈망《for》
③ 기호(嗜好), 좋아함.
㉺ap·pe·ti·tive [ǽpitàitiv] ɑ. 식욕의, 식욕이 왕성한; 육욕적인.
4. The severity of the grief depended on multiple factors, such as the owner’s other responsibilities (e.g., young children), previous experiences with pet loss and bereavement, and the animal type—e.g., losing a dog, cat, or pig was often more painful than losing a fish or snake.
강아지를 잃은 슬픔의 강도는 모두 다르다.
ᛜse·ver·i·ty [sivérǝti, sǝ-] n.
엄격(rigor), 가혹(harshness); 엄중; 격렬함; 통렬함.
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