Law and Literature (20)


1. Thus, liberal legal arguments, according to their critics, typically begin with some independent value or moral ideal, such as efficiency, procedural fairness, or legal equality, as the first premise.


ᛜprem·ise [prémis] n.

① 〖전제(前提).

(pl.) (the ~) 전술한 사항재산·토지·가옥 따위; 증서의 두서(頭書)


2. The emotional need expressed by this second argument for liberal legalism-and the need which, I will argue, Posner's book makes fairly explicit-is not the sentimental need to see actual authority as perfectly congruent with our moral ideals; rather, it is the need to constrain the individual will by an external authority.


ex·ter·nal [ikstə́ːrnəl] ɑ.

외부의, 밖의; 외면의; 의 외측외면에 있는to.

표면의, 외관의; 겉의, 형식적인

ᛜex·plic·it [iksplísit] ɑ.

(진술 따위가) 뚜렷한, 명백한, 분명한, 애매한 점이 없는

ᛜcon·strain [kǝnstréin] vt.

① 《~+?/+?+?+?/+?+to do강제하다, 강요하다, 무리하게 시키다to

② 《+?+?+?》 ⦗보통 수동태속박하다, 구속하다, 거북하게 하다

con·gru·ent [kάŋgruǝnt, kǝngrúː-/kɔ́ŋ-] ɑ.


con·gru·ous [kάŋgruǝs/kɔ́ŋ-] ɑ.

일치하는, 적합한, 어울리는, 조화하는with; to; 합동의.


3. If Posner's account of liberal legalism is at all representative, then the appeal of liberal legalism may be that it gives voice to the deep and human need to identify the individual's will, worth, power, and fate with the judgment of a higher, nonnatural, or simply “other” authority.


ac·count [ǝkáunt] n.

계산, ; 계산서, 청구서

계정생략: A/C; 예금 계좌; 외상셈(charge ~); 신용 거래

(금전·책임 처리에 관한) 보고(), 전말서, 답변, 변명, 설명; (자세한) 이야기; 기술, 기사; (흔히 pl.) 소문, 풍문



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