강아지와 사람의 유대관계 (23)


1. Though fewer, negative reactions were reported too; for example, being unable to move past the grief (i.e. stuck in chronic anxiety and depression), struggling to cope with grief triggers (e.g., dog parks), and losing one’s faith after the loss.


re·ac·tion [riːǽkʃən] n.

반응, 반작용, 반동

de·pres·sion [dipréʃən] n.

① ? 의기소침, 침울, 우울; 울병(鬱病), 우울증

② ? 불경기, 불황(); (the D-) =G???? D?????????.

*trig·ger [trígǝr] n.

(총의) 방아쇠; =???? ???????

제동기, 제륜(制輪) 장치.


방아쇠를 당기다.

ᛜchron·ic [krάnik/krɔ́n-] ɑ.

① 〖만성의, 고질의.



2. “The right thing to do is remember that every pet is individual and has its own personality it will never be the same as the one you lost, it will be a new one.”


잃어버린 강아지와 똑 같은 강아지는 다시 구할 수 없다.


3. The most important thing you can do to support your friend is to listen. “Be non-judgemental and rather than putting your own thoughts and feelings onto them, let them express their own.”


on·to [άntuː, ɔ́(ː)n-, -tǝ] prep.

① …의 위에

(흉계 따위를) 알아차리고, 알고

┈┈• I’m ~ your tricks. 너의 속임수는 알고 있다.


4. Most importantly, don’t go into problem-solving mode and try to make them feel better. “Listen to them and don’t try to ‘fix’ anything,”


강아지 때문에 슬퍼하는 사람의 말을 들어주는 것이 좋다.



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