강아지와 사람의 유대관계 (24)


1. “The two big lessons here are that death is universal and irreversible,”


강아지가 무지개 다리를 건너는 것은 일반적인 일이며, 돌이킬 수 없는 일이다.


uni·ver·sal [jùːnǝvə́ːrsəl] ɑ.

우주의, 우주적인, 만물에 관한을 포함하는

보편적인, 일반적인

세상 일반의, 누구나가 다 ()하는

ir·re·vers·i·ble [ìrivə́ːrsǝbəl] ɑ.

거꾸로 할 수 없는, 뒤집을 수 없는, 역행역전할 수 없는; 취소할 수 없는, 파기할 수 없는법률 등.


2. All living things die, and once it happens we cannot make the body work again.


3. The pet can no longer see, hear, taste, or feel. But death does not have to be painful; it does not have to hurt.


4. Approached in the proper manner, this conversation does not have to be threatening to a child.”


5. A little while later they are off on another activity. It does not mean that they have forgotten about the pet’s death or that they have processed it and moved on. Parents have to be available and open for further conversations.


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