영어로 배우는 게슈탈트 심리치료 (81)


1. Assimilation has been used in the Gestalt literature to describe a process in which the individual selectively accepts the value of some aspects of the environment while rejecting others.


동화라 함은 개인이 다른 것은 배척하면서, 환경의 어떤 부분에 대한 가치는 선택적으로 받아들이는 과정을 가르키는 것으로 게슈탈트 연구에서 사용되어 왔다.


as·sìm·i·lá·tion·ìsm n.

(인종적·문화적으로 다른 소수 집단에 대한) 동화 정책.


2. The concept of assimilation is also problematic though because it suggests a process of “making like” or “causing to resemble.”


동화라는 개념은 비슷하게 만드는또는 모방하도록 하는과정을 암시하기 때문에, 또한 문제가 되는 것이다.


prob·lem·at·ic, 문제의; 문제가 되는, 미심쩍은, 불확실한.


3. In fact, there is another term, assimilationism, that is defined as “the policy of absorbing minority groups.”


사실, 동화되는 것이라는 용어는 소수의 집단을 흡수하는 정책으로 규정된다.


4. At its essence, Gestalt therapy is about honoring the potential and unpredictable outcomes of the ongoing meetings that occur daily between individuals.


핵심적으로 보면, 게슈탈트 치료는 개인 사이에서 매일 일어나는 계속적인 만남으로부터 야기되는 가능성 있고 예측불가능한 결과를 존중하는 것이다.


5. Through those meetings, both parties are changed, and new experiences and realities are co-created. Given our current political context, I would assert that this concept of co-creation be embraced to counter a resurgence of xenophobia and “disinclusion” of non-like others.


이러한 만남을 통해서 양쪽은 변화하고, 새로운 경험과 실재가 같이 창조되는 것이다. 우리의 현재의 정책적인 관점에서 보면, 나는 이러한 공동창조의 개념은 외국인혐오가 일어나고 다른 사람들을 배척하는 현상과 맞서는 것이라고 생각한다.


xen·o·pho·bia [zènǝfóubiǝ, zìnǝ-] n.

? 외국() 혐오.

re·surge¹ [risə́ːrdʒ] vi.

재기하다; 부활소생하다.



1. 의도적으로 뚜렷하게 된 전경(intentionally accented figure), 의도적으로 무관심한 배경(intentionally neutral ground)


What Gestalt therapy literature is talking about when using figure / ground terminology actually means what in Gestalt psychology is called the "intentionally accented figure" and the "intentionally neutral ground" (these terms were coined in the 1930s by German Gestalt psychologist Kurt GOTTSCHALDT).


ac·cent [ǽksent/-sənt] n.

음성악센트, 강세; 강음, 양음揚音

강조; 강의, 뚜렷하게 함; ()

뚜렷하게 하다, 두드러지게 하다.


2. 전경과 배경의 구체적인 예

An example for that: You stand in front of your bookshelf and you are looking for a specific book.


Both the bookshelf and the books on it are PHENOMENALLY FIGURAL for you (the phenomenal ground in this case will normally be the wall before that the bookshelf is standing).


3. 책꽃이에 꽃혀있는 여러 책들과 하나의 선택된 책

Now your interest in a specific book does search and select this specific book from all the others, this one book becomes INTENTIONALLY FIGURAL before the INTENTIONALLY NEUTRAL GROUND of all the other books (which still are phenomenally figural, but intentionally neutral).


4. 게슈탈트 치료에서의 전경과 배경

Now all the contradictions pointed at above (relating to the use of figure/ground in Gestalt therapy literature) can be easily resolved:


5. 현상적이고 의도적으로 뚜렷이 하는 전경의 의미

If you make this important Gestalt psychological differentiation between phenomenal and intentionally accented figure, phenomenal and intentionally neutral ground, it does in fact make some sense to say that the ability to variations in what you make your intentionally accented figure out of an intentionally neutral ground says something about your healthy functioning.


6. 개인의 의도와 욕구의 영향

By the way, from this it should have become clear that the widespread rumor that Gestalt psychology was/is not interested in intentionality, the influence of needs and so on on perception and behavior, and that Gestalt therapy had to overcome this Gestalt psychological restriction, is complete nonsense.


7. 개인의 의도, 개인의 상태 및 주변 환경

Gestalt psychology has - as I have demonstrated in short strokes - not only taken into account intentionality and other states of the person and its surroundings, but has also developed its own terminology for this.


8. 게슈탈트 치료에서의 전경과 배경의 관계

Perhaps it would be not so bad an idea to adopt this terminology in Gestalt therapy literature too, because it could help to overcome the confusion in the use and understanding of the figure / ground terminology which seems to be widespread in Gestalt therapy literature and discussion.


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