영어로 배우는 게슈탈트 심리치료 (150)


1. Eating may be partially for the sake of filling the stomach, and partially for the sake of comfort and amelioration of other needs.


먹는 행위는 위를 채우는 것뿐 아니라, 안락함과 다른 욕구의 향상을 위한 목적을 가질 수도 있다.


amèl·io·rá·tion n.

개선, 개량; 개정, 수정; (어의의) 향상.


2. One may make love not only for pure sexual release, but also to convince one's self of one's masculinity, or to make a conquest, to feel powerful, or to win more basic affection.


사람은 순수하게 성적 배출을 위해 성관계를 하기도 하지만, 또한 자신의 남성다움을 확인하거나, 정복하거나, 파워가 있음을 느끼거나, 또는 보다 기본적인 애정을 얻기 위한 목적도 가지고 있다.


mas·cu·lin·i·ty [mæ̀skjǝlínǝti] n.

남자다움, 남성미, 어기참.


3. As an illustration, I may point out that it would be possible (theoretically if not practically) to analyze a single act of an individual and see in it the expression of his physiological needs, his safety needs, his love needs, his esteem needs and self-actualization.


개인의 하나의 행위를 분석해볼 때, 그 안에는 생리적 욕구, 안전 욕구, 애정 욕구, 존중의 욕구 및 자기실현욕구가 모두 포함되어 있을 수 있다.


phys·i·o·log·ic, -i·cal [fìziǝlάdʒik/-lɔ́dʒ-], [-əl] ɑ.

생리학(), 생리적인.



1. 행동을 결정하는 다양한 요인들

Multiple determinants of behavior. -- Not all behavior is determined by the basic needs. We might even say that not all behavior is motivated. There are many determinants of behavior other than motives.


2. 장의 요소들로 행동은 결정된다.

For instance, one other important class of determinants is the so-called 'field' determinants. Theoretically, at least, behavior may be determined completely by the field, or even by specific isolated external stimuli, as in association of ideas, or certain conditioned reflexes.


3. 행동은 개인의 성격을 표현한다.

An expressive behavior does not try to do anything; it is simply a reflection of the personality. A stupid man behaves stupidly, not because he wants to, or tries to, or is motivated to, but simply because he is what he is.



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