강아지와 사람의 유대관계 (15)
1. She was truly loved and truly loved back. Although it is hard for me now I know it will get better with time.
강아지는 정말 사랑을 받았고, 진정으로 사랑을 되돌려주었다. 비록 지금은 나에게 힘든 시기이지만, 시간이 가면서 나아질 것이다.
2. My heart goes out to all others who have lost their furry friends. Love and hugs to all.
3 Do people think heaven is like one of those condominium communities where all the window curtains have to be white and pets aren't allowed to play in their back yards unless they're accompanied by their owners?
4. Why couldn't animals wait inside heaven for their owners? Are there people in heaven who don't like animals? If so, I ought to tighten up the entrance requirements.
5. He also asked what happens if a pet owner dies first? Do people think there's a place where owners frolic and play while waiting for their pets, listening to the sounds of the heavenly choir wafting from across the way?
*heav·en·ly [hévǝnli] ɑ. (-li·er; -li·est)
① 하늘의, 천상(天上)의.
⟨OPP.⟩ eɑrthly.
② 천국과 같은, 신성한(holy), 거룩한(divine), 천래의, 지상(至上)의.
┈┈• a ~ voice 절묘한 목소리.
ᛜwaft [wɑːft, wæft] vt.
《~+?/+?+?/+?+?+?》 (물체·소리·냄새 따위를) 부동(浮動)시키다, 감돌게 하다; 가볍게 나르〔보내〕다
┈┈• ~ a kiss 키스를 던지다
┈┈• The aroma of coffee wɑs ~ed in. 커피 향기가 풍겨 왔다
┈┈• The breeze ~ed the sound of music to us. 산들바람을 타고 음악 소리가 들려왔다.
frol·ic [frάlik/frɔ́l-] vi. (-ck-)
들떠서 떠들다, 야단법석떨다; 장난치다.
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