강아지와 사람의 유대관계 (17)


1. This suggests that pets may be able to moderate loneliness for elderly people because they can facilitate social interaction i.e., acting as a confidante and provide an avenue for increased activities such as exercise and play.


av·e·nue [ǽvǝnjùː] n.


(목적에의) 수단, 방법to; of

mod·er·ate [mάdərǝt/mɔ́d-] ɑ.

삼가는, 절제하는(temperate), 절도 있는, 온건한

알맞은, 적당한; (값이)

알맞도록 하다, 온건하게 하다, 완화하다; 경감하다, 조절하다

누그러지다, 가라앉다; 조용해지다.


2. Loneliness currently affects 3 in 5 Americans and 9 million people in the United Kingdom. Loneliness can be as deadly as smoking 15 cigarettes per day, making it a serious threat to public health.


3. “Companion animals are less accepting of loneliness than people. Therefore, it is very important to play with them so they don’t feel lonely.”


4. “Walk a Hound, Lose a Pound,” Dr. Johnson’s studies show that companion animals may provide a unique source of social support and facilitate motivation for exercise and other wellness-promoting behaviors.


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