Law and Literature (17)


프스너의 법과 문학이라는 책에서 저자가 강조하는 내용은 무엇일까?


1. I will argue that Law and Literature ought to be read primarily as an impressionistic and impassioned celebration of legalism-liberal or conservative-and that the book contributes little to an understanding of either the works of literature or the legal and literary theories which it discusses.


자유주의적이건, 보수적이건, 법을 원칙으로 하는 입장에 중점을 두고 있다.


im·pres·sion·is·tic [imprèʃənístik] ɑ.

인상파주의; 인상적인.

im·pas·sion [impǽʃən] vt.

깊이 감동감격하게 하다.

~ed ɑ. 감격한; 정열적인, 열렬한, 감동이 넘친.

*cel·e·bra·tion [sèlǝbréiʃən] n.

① ? 축하; ? 축전, 의식; ? 성체성사(의 거행)

② ? 칭찬, 찬양; (pl.) 찬사.


2. Although Posner's interpretations of pieces of literature that deal with legal themes are sometimes surprising and often interesting, those interpretations are transparently dependent on his main agenda, which is a spirited celebration of legalist virtues.


vir·tue [və́ːrtʃuː] n.

① ? 미덕, , 덕행, 선행.


④ ? 장점, 가치

ᛜspír·it·ed [-id] ɑ.

기운찬, 활발한, 용기 있는

agen·da [ǝdʒéndǝ] n. (pl. ~s, ~)

본디 agendum의 복수꼴; 보통 단수취급

예정표, 안건, 의사 일정, 의제; 비망록, 메모장(memorandum book)


3. It tells us something important about the distinguishing commitments of liberal legalism and the type of personality which it attracts.


4. That alone, and entirely apart from the merits or demerits of the literary interpretations Posner presents, makes the book's celebration of legalism of great interest.


de·mer·it [diːmérit] n.

결점, 결함, 단점; (학교의) 벌점(=~́ màrk); (보통 pl.) 과실, 죄과.

┈┈• the merits and ~s 장점과 단점; 상벌.


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