Law and Literature (16)


1. At times, Posner suggests that this is the major thesis of the book-he simply wants to rescue literature from its misuse by critics of legalism.


때때로, 포스너는 이것을 책의 주된 논제로 제시하고 있다. 그는 단순히 법률에 매인 비평의 남용으로부터 문학을 구하기 위하려는 것이다.


le·gal·ism [líːgǝlìzəm] n.

신학율법주의; 법률의 글자 뜻에 구애받는 일; 관료적 형식주의(redtapism).

ᛜthe·sis [θíːsis] n. (pl. -ses [-siːz])

논제, 주제; 명제; (Hegel의 변증법의) (), 테제.


2. By the end of the book, however, it is clear that Posner has no real passion for his claim that great literature is never really about law, that it is always about more exalted things, and that its use in legal or political arguments therefore is improper.


ex·ált·ed [-id] ɑ.

고귀한, 지위가신분이높은, 고위의; 고상한,


3. Rather, Posner's real concern is the celebration and vindication of liberal legalism, and he is as happy using literature to celebrate liberal legalism as are its critics in making their attack.


vìn·di·cá·tion n.

변호, 옹호

입증, 정당화; (비난·오명 등에 대한) 변명, 해명.



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