강아지와 사람의 유대관계 (49)
1. Euthanasia for a beloved pet is highly personal decision and usually comes after a diagnosis of a terminal illness and with the knowledge that the animal is suffering badly.
⁑ter·mi·nal [tə́ːrmǝnəl] ɑ.
① 말단(末端)의, 종말의, 경계의
② 종점의, 종착역(驛)의; (역 등에서의) 화물취급의; (분할불·연재 등) 최종회의
⑦ 〖醫〗 (치명적인 병이) 말기의, (환자가) 말기증상의; 가망이 없는, 불치의; 치명적인; 《比》 손을 쓸 수 없는, 구제불능의; 《英口》 비참한, 파멸의; 대단한.
ᛜdi·ag·no·sis [dàiǝgnóusis] n. (pl. -ses [-siːz])
진단(법); (문제·상황 등의) 원인〔실태〕분석(에 의한 판정), 진단; ? 식별; ?
eu·tha·na·sia [jùːθǝnéiʒiǝ, -ziǝ] n.
? 안락사, 안사술(安死術).
㉺èu·tha·ná·sic [-néizik] ɑ.
2. Be honest. Start by explaining that your pet is ill, suffering badly, and that you have the ability to end that suffering in a very humane and gentle way.
*hu·mane [hjuːméin] ɑ.
① 자비로운, 인도적인, 인정 있는, 친절한
3. There are many wonderful reasons to once again share your life with a companion animal, but the decision of when to do so is a very personal one.
4. In most cases, it’s best to mourn the old pet first, and wait until you’re emotionally ready to open your heart and your home to a new animal. You may want to start by volunteering at a shelter or rescue group.
⁑shel·ter [ʃéltǝr] n.
① 피난 장소, 은신처; 대합실; 〖軍〗 대피호, 방공호(air-raid ~)
③ ? 보호, 비호, 옹호(protection)
*mourn [mɔːrn] vi.
① 슬퍼하다, 한탄하다《for; over》
② 죽음을 애통해하다(grieve); 조상(弔喪)하다, 애도하다
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