강아지와 사람의 유대관계 (50)


1. Depression occurs as a reaction to the changed way of life created by the loss. The bereaved person feels intensely sad, hopeless, drained and helpless. The pet is missed and thought about constantly.


강아지를 잃음으로써 일상의 생활에 변화가 오게 되면 우울증에 걸리게 된다. 강아지의 주인은 깊은 슬픔에 빠지고, 희망이 없어지고, 무미건조해지며, 무기력해진다. 강아지는 항상 그리워지고, 생각이 나는 것이다.


de·pres·sion [dipréʃən] n.

① ? 의기소침, 침울, 우울; 울병(鬱病), 우울증

drain [drein] vt.

배수방수하다off, 의 물을 빼내다, 을 배출하다ɑwɑy; off; out;


2. Acceptance comes when the changes brought upon the person by the loss are stabilized into a new lifestyle.


ᛜsta·bi·lize [stéibǝlàiz] vt.

안정시키다, 견고하게 하다; 안정 장치를 하다


3. The depth and intensity of the mourning process depends on many factors. The age of the owner, circumstances surrounding the death, relationship of the animal to the owner and to other family members, are all significant.


4. Grief is like waves in the ocean: at first the waves come in fast and hard, but as time goes on, the waves become less intense and further apart. Don't be surprised if holidays, smells, sounds, or words trigger a relapse.


ᛜre·lapse [rilǽps] n.

거슬러 되돌아감; 다시 나쁜 길버릇에 빠짐; 타락, 퇴보into

② 〖재발


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